Amiga Magazin: Amiga-CD 1996 March
Amiga-CD 1996 #3.iso
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316 lines
;Script to apply patches
;$VER: Patcher 6.01 (17.10.95)
;Copyright © 1992-1994 CONSULTRON. All rights reserved
; Use of this script in commercial products is expressly forbidden without
; written permission.
; The program spatch is provided by SAS Institute. They retain all copyrights
; to that program. It is available for commercial distribution only to those
; users who have purchased their SAS C Compiler and are registered with them.
;Copy a new file to the product disk
;Input: newfile (path and name of new file)
(procedure copynew
( (if (not PatchOnly)
( (if (getsize ("%ld/%s" wversion newfile) )
( (if (not DeleteOnly)
( (copyfiles
(source ("%ld/%s" wversion newfile) )
(dest (pathonly ("%s%s" prod newfile) ) )
( (delete ("%s%s" prod newfile) ) )
; (if (> wversion currentver )
; (set currentver wversion)
; )
;Perform an spatch
;Input: file (path and file to patch)
(procedure patch
( (if (and (not DeleteOnly) (not CopyOnly) )
( (set patchfile ("%ld/%s" wversion file) )
(set prodfile ("%s%s" prod file) )
(set prodfile (substr prodfile 0 (- (strlen prodfile) 1 ) ) )
(set tempdir "ram:")
(set temp ("%s%s" tempdir (fileonly prodfile)))
(if (= 0 (run ("%s -o%s -p%s %s" spatch temp patchfile prodfile) ))
; (if (> wversion currentver )
; (set currentver wversion)
; )
;Replace original file with temp file
(if (> (getsize temp) 10 )
( ;Clone protection bits
(protect temp (protect patchfile) )
(source temp)
(dest (pathonly prodfile) )
(newname (fileonly prodfile) )
;Delete temporary file
(delete temp)
;Apply the spatch stuff
;Set DeleteOnly for delete phase
(procedure DoPatch
( (while (exists ("%ld" wversion) (noreq) )
( (foreach ("%ld" wversion) "#?"
( ;(debug @each-name)
(if (< @each-type 0) ;check for file
( (if (= "@" (substr @each-name (- (strlen @each-name) 1 )))
( ;Apply patches with spatch
(set file @each-name)
( ;Copy the file directly
(set newfile @each-name)
( ;@each-name is a directory
(set dir @each-name)
(foreach ("%ld/%s" wversion dir) "#?"
( (if (< @each-type 0) ;check for file
( (if (= "@" (substr @each-name (- (strlen @each-name) 1 )))
( ;Apply patches with spatch
(set file (tackon dir @each-name))
( ;Copy the file directly
(set newfile (tackon dir @each-name))
( ;@each-name is a directory
(set dir2 (tackon dir @each-name))
(foreach ("%ld/%s" wversion dir2) "#?"
( (if (< @each-type 0) ;check for file
( (if (= "@" (substr @each-name (- (strlen @each-name) 1)))
( ;Apply patches with spatch
(set file (tackon dir2 @each-name))
( ;Copy the file directly
(set newfile (tackon dir2 @each-name))
(set wversion (+ wversion 1) )
;Preserve CIN
(procedure preserveCIN
; Save the CIN to a CIN file on the disk
(run ("serfile %s >%s" (tackon prod "READ.ME") (tackon prod "CIN")))
; set the CIN temporarily to XXXX-YYYY
(run ("serfile %s CIN: %s" (tackon prod "READ.ME") "XXXX-YYYY"))
(set CINsaved 1)
;Restore Old State
(procedure restoreCIN
;restore product assignment
(if (= newassign 1)
( (makeassign ("%s" prodname) ("C%s:" prodname))
(makeassign ("C%s" prodname))
; reset the CIN back to the customer's CIN
(if (= CINsaved 1)
(run ("serfile %s CIN: `type %s`" (tackon prod "READ.ME") (tackon prod "CIN")))
; Get the version number from a file
(procedure getVersion_File
(set version (getversion verfile))
(if (= 0 version)
(set version defver)
( (set ver (/ version 65536))
(debug version)
(set version ("%ld" (+ (* 100 ver) (- version (* ver 65536)))) )
(debug version)
;***************************** MAIN ****************************************
;This can be replaced by checks for "copy of <product>" etc.
(set prodname "CrossMAC")
(set prod ("%s:" prodname))
(set defverbeg "100")
(set defverend "104")
;Starting version number
(set verfile (tackon prod "Read.ME"))
(set defver defverbeg)
(getVersion_File) ; return in 'version"
(set startversion version)
;(exit (quiet))
(set @abort-button "Abort Update")
(onerror (restoreCIN) )
;Check if the <product>: being referenced is the assignment or the disk
(prompt ("Please insert %s in any drive" prod))
(help "To update, you must use a copy of the latest release of "
("the %s product disk you have. " prodname)
("In addition, the volume MUST BE named `%s'. " prodname)
("If the disk you have is labeled `Copy_of_%s', " prodname)
"relabel it using the Workbench menu selection `Icons/Rename...'." )
(dest ("%s" prodname))
(if (<> prod (expandpath prod))
( (makeassign ("C%s" prodname) prod) ;temp reassign product assignment
(set newassign 1)
(makeassign prodname) ;clear the product assignment
;Force user level to 1 or 2. This is unfortuntely required because otherwise
;we can't present a menu of choices to the user.
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 1)
(set @user-level 0)
; Test to see if the first patch directory exists. If not, it may be that the
; archive was not unarc'd with full path names preserved.
(if (not (= 2 (exists startversion (noreq) ) ) )
( (message "Could not find directory '" startversion "'. Make sure you unarc "
"the archive with the option to preserve directories.\n"
"[Example: LHA x -x <archivename>]\n"
"This archive of patch files does not update the release "
"you currently have."
(exit (quiet))
(set currentver startversion)
; Put diag/spatch into ram:. Since this program is to be used quite frequently
(set spatch "ram:SPatch")
(set spatchsrc (tackon prod "diag/SPatch"))
(if (exists "SPatch" (noreq) ) ; a new SPatch exists in the current directory. Use it instead
( (delete (tackon prod "diag/lpatch")) ;delete the old lpatch
(copyfiles (source "SPatch") (dest (pathonly spatchsrc)))
(copyfiles (source spatchsrc) (dest (pathonly spatch) ) )
(set wversion "S")
;Delete phase
(set wversion (+ 1 startversion))
(set DeleteOnly 1)
(set PatchOnly 0)
(set CopyOnly 0)
;Patch phase
(set wversion (+ 1 startversion))
(set DeleteOnly 0)
(set PatchOnly 1)
(set CopyOnly 0)
;Copy phase
(set wversion (+ 1 startversion))
(set DeleteOnly 0)
(set PatchOnly 0)
(set CopyOnly 1)
(set wversion (+ -1 wversion))
(set verfile (tackon prod "Read.ME"))
(set defver defverend)
(getVersion_File) ; return in 'version'
(set currentver version)
(set wversion ("%ld" wversion))
(if (= startversion wversion)
( (message ("Your %s disk is already at release %s.%s" prodname (substr wversion 0 1) (substr wversion 1)))
(if (> startversion wversion)
( (message ("Your %s disk is already updated past the releases in this archive" prodname))
(if (< currentver wversion)
( (message ("Your %s disk COULD NOT be updated to release %s.%s\n" prodname (substr wversion 0 1) (substr wversion 1))
("It appears to be at release %s.%s\n" (substr currentver 0 1) (substr currentver 1))
("Make sure you patch a GOOD copy of the %s product disk ONLY!" prodname)
(if (= currentver wversion)
( (message ("Your %s disk has been updated to release %s.%s" prodname (substr currentver 0 1) (substr currentver 1))
(exit (quiet))